Order Form and Discounts

 Huge Discounts!
Note: Because of the age of many of the cassette programs, the film has slightly deteriorated. It does not affect the sound quality or the psychological value of the programs. To temporarily correct the degradation, each program is specially treated according to manufacturer's recommendations before they are mailed so that they will play normally. This treatment lasts approximately three months at which time the tape may begin to drag. It's suggested that if you enjoy the program that you dub (copy) it to insure you have a long lasting copy. Alternatively, instructions for treating them over and over again can be obtained by calling 1-800-993-0929.
We'd copy new cassettes, but the masters of the programs are no longer available for reproduction. We are in the process of making new masters for cd's and converting some cassettes to cd. In the meantime, the description of each program tells you the format. 

Guarantee,--You will find that the programs are worth far more than you've paid for them and be the benefactor of this close out. Order now, before the programs of your choice are gone. 

While supply lasts, you'll find popular programs for up to 70% off the list price. Use the paypal cart where available or simply list the program on the order form for the reduced price.




              All prices U.S. currency, F.O.B., Red Bank, N .J.; COD charges $6.00/box--$25.00 min deposit


Order Form  -  Print, fill out, and mail to:

R.K Industries Inc. (cd division), 210 Broad St., Red Bank, NJ

or Call 1-800-993-0929 (Ask for tape division to place order)--please note that 20% is added to all retail orders by phone or if you are mailing, add 20% to your order. 




Price of Each







Weight management program special
     entire weight management program                       $49.95
        weight management manuscript                          $49.95

                                                            Total list price: ___________


                                                                  Wholesale: ___________

                                                                  Sales Tax  __________

                                                                                                               Net Total _________  

Shipping $2.00 min.(1 to 2 programs)  •  plus $.20 for each additional program

                                                                                                                              plus shipping _____________

                                          Total __________        

Make checks payable to Waterloo

If paying by credit card: ___Visa ___Master Card  ___ Amex
Card #_____________________________________Expiration date__________
Ship to:__________________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________
City___________________________ State_________ zip_________________
Signature ________________________________________________________
Card holder name _________________________________________________


Order Form and Specials

 Huge Price Reduction !
Note: Because of the age of many of the cassette programs, the film has slightly deteriorated. It does not affect the sound quality or the psychological value of the programs. To temporarily correct the degradation, each program is specially treated according to manufacturer's recommendations before they are mailed so that they will play normally. This treatment lasts approximately three months at which time the tape may begin to drag. It's suggested that if you enjoy the program that you dub (copy) it to insure you have a long lasting copy. Alternatively, instructions for treating them over and over again can be obtained by calling 1-800-993-0929 ext 207  
We'd copy new cassettes, but the masters of the programs are no longer available for reproduction. We are in the process of making new masters for cd's and converting some cassettes to cd. In the meantime, the description of each program tells you the format. 
Guarantee,--You will find that the programs are worth far more than you've paid for them and be the benefactor of this close out. Order now, before the programs of your choice are gone. 
While supply lasts, you'll find popular programs for up to 70% off the list price. Use the paypal cart where available or simply list the program on the order form for the reduced price.

Save time, use our search tool to find the program you want. Click Here to Search This Site





              All prices U.S. currency, F.O.B., Red Bank, N .J.; COD charges $6.00/carton--$25.00 min deposit


Order Form  -  Print, fill out, and mail to:

Waterloov Industries (tape division), 210 Broad St., Red Bank, NJ

or Call 1-800-993-0929 (Ask for tape division to place order)--please note that 20% is added to all retail orders by phone or if you are mailing, add 20% to your order. 




Price of Each







Weight management program special
     entire weight management program                       $49.95
        weight management manuscript                          $49.95

                                                            Total list price: ___________


                                                                  Wholesale: ___________

                                                                  Sales Tax  __________

                                                                                                               Net Total _________  

Shipping $2.00 min.(1 to 2 programs)  •  plus $.20 for each additional program

                                                                                                                              plus shipping _____________

                                          Total __________        

Make checks payable to Waterloo

If paying by credit card: ___Visa ___Master Card  ___ Amex
Card #_____________________________________Expiration date__________
Ship to:__________________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________
City___________________________ State_________ zip_________________
Signature ________________________________________________________
Card holder name _________________________________________________


Home / About the Cassettes / the Catalog / Order Form and Specials
Weight Management / Stress Management /Pendulums/