Motivational Tapes, Subliminal Tapes & Hypnosis Tapes
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RK Industries INC., 28 Tindall Rd. Middletown, NJ 07748

Executive Advancement Series
Building Self Worth
Mastery of Public Speaking
Self Confidence

Weight Management Series
Habitual Eating
Emotional Eating
Self Defeative Eating
Building Self Worth
Self Confidence

Dealing with Rejection Series
Falling In and Out of Love
Over Come Life Crisis
Building Self Worth
Self Confidence
Guilt & Worry

Worry & Guilt cas
Overcome Panic-Anxiety Serie

Over Come Panic/Anxiety Part I, II dvd
Building Self Worth
Light at the End of the Tunnel for Panic/Anxiety Sufferers e-book
Overcome Disappointment cd

Personal Freedom Series
Handling Anger
Up From Depression
Making Relationships Work
Building Self Worth
I Love Me

Self Esteem Series
Building Self Worth
I Love Me
Self Confidence
Over Come Life Crisis

Activating Self Motivation

Prosperity Series
Making Decisions
Activating Self Motivation
Enhance Creativity
with bonus program Self Hypnosis

Relationship Series
Making Relationships Work
Ecstasy in Relationships
Handling Anger
Handling Criticism
Activating Self Motivation

Stress Management Series
Learn to Relax   
Deep Relaxation 
Worry & Guilt 
Warm Hands/Feet
Neck & Shoulder Relaxation 

Strong Healthy Heart
Handling Criticism 

Relaxation Series

Learn to Relax
Total Body Relaxation
Deep Relaxation
Relaxation for Health
Astral Journey
Hypnosis Explained

Free Seven Part Report "Discover the Little Known Secrets--What makes Hypnosis Work" and Monthly Stress Management TipsSM Bulletin



SUCCESS Motivational Tapes

SUCCESS  cd        $19.95        $14.95   

Now you can do more than dream about success.
  Webster defines “success” as “a favorable outcome the gaining of wealth, fame, rank, etc.” how many times have you felt that you were your own worst enemy? This program will give you the secret to taking the power that has worked against you and have it work for you.


Assertiveness and Self Confidence Builder Program.
  Why do some of us hold our heads higher than others? Throw away shyness and master self confidence. Learn about yourself and others will want to know you better. Click here for five things any self confidence program should have.

ACTIVATION SELF MOTIVATION  cd      $19.95   $14.95

A very special opportunity is waiting—AND IT HAS YOUR NAME ON IT!
  This is the one hypnotic program that not only takes you deeper and deeper into relaxation each and every time you use it, but also has you envision the "greatness" within you to reduce anxiety about facing life's challenges, surmount any obstacle,  or accomplish any goal in your life....

PROSPERITY cd          $24.95           $19.95
It is the hub from which you achieve your full potential for health, peace of mind, success, and balance. You never work for a living, compete or experience scarcity. Instead, your interests and things you do in life, create an abundance of financial remuneration, and excellent health.

SUBCONSCIOUS SALES POWER  cassette Subliminal Tapes      $24.95   $19.95
Finding it a problem to close?  Here’s a quick and proven method to improve your closing ratio with subconscious sales.
  Achieve you full sales potential. Whether you are selling a product or service, you are always selling yourself. Free yourself from your limitations, reach your goals and fine tune your closing skills. Recommended reading: How To Master the Art of Selling by Tom Hopkins.


RELAXATION FOR HEALTH  cd    $19.95        $14.95  

 Would You Believe that Bad Food Habits May be Healthier than Healthy Habits?

This is just one of dozens important revelations for optimum health. This program emphasizes the vital importance of coordinating your body’s nutrition, exercise, and thought management to establish and maintain optimum health. Feel more vital and alert . Discover new found energy. Make yesterday’s chores become today’s pleasures. Note: This tape is also of special value to those who are either undergoing medical treatment or are recovering from an illness.

MEDITATION FOR HEALTH   cd only       $14.95         $8.95

Now a tranquilizer without a doctor’s prescription. If you’ve wondered how to meditate on the flame of a candle or on your breadth or how this is supposed to help you stay healthy, then this program will be particularly valuable. The program provides step by step instruction on how to meditate and how you can incorporate meditation in improving or maintaining your health.

LEARN HOW TO RELAX     cd           $14.95        $9.95

Here’s the quick, tried and proven,  remarkably simple way to physically relax and open the path to mental relaxation for managing stress.   Do the smallest annoyances upset you? Do your find yourself “flying off the handle” for no really good reason? Combining muscle relaxation exercises with deep breathing will help you to relax and in a very short time you will notice the tenseness in your body beginning to disappear. Your frown turns to a smile and your life takes on new meaning. With regular practice you will find that you have replaced the “uptight” habit with a relaxed frame of mind.

DEEP RELAXATION   cd   $12.95     $9.95

  You’ll be an exception to the rule if you can’t relax with this program.

This program may take you deeper than you have ever relaxed before. Every time you take this mental journey you relax even deeper. Letting go becomes a way of life. Profound improvements in your life circumstances may be anticipated as a result of a new found peace. 

NECK AND SHOULDER RELAXATION cd rom  $19.95  $15.95

"Damn straight, this cd is like having a chiropractor on a cd."
Do your neck and shoulder muscles frequently feel like tight rubber bands? This program, utilizing easy muscle loosening exercises, will help you dissolve the excess  muscle tension to the point where your head may feel almost weightless on your shoulder . It’s been described as the “chiropractor on a tape” program.

SLEEP THROUGH THE NIGHT cd     $19.95  $14.95

  The hand writing—not jumping sheep--is on the wall—“You will go to sleep faster and one day forget what it felt like to have had sleeping difficulties!”
Many listeners have reported that the program is better than “over the counter” sleeping pills and they love it because it’s completely natural. Go to sleep faster and enjoy a deep refreshing sleep.

WARM HANDS & FEET    cd         $10.95

The Warm Mittens Program Feet fell like ice? Hands cold and numb-like even when you’re inside? This program is called our “warm mittens” program. The step by step instructions and the autogenic exercises will guide you into a pleasant relaxed feeling where you actually command your hands and feet to become warm. Much to your amazement, you will see the power of the mind’s ability to make changes within your body.

GET WELL SOON   cassette            14.95        $10.95

(A gift for a friend). Are you sending flowers or a card to a friend in the hospital? The purpose of this gift program is to aid in relaxation and rapid recovery, as well as present a beautiful thought for the person of your concern. It will make a difference and show them you care.

TWISTED TONGUE  cd        $24.95       $19.95  

Stuttering, lazy tongue syndrome, tension in tongue
Do you become anxious when speaking to the point where your tongue feels too large or it won’t move as fast as you need it to in order to make the words come out? This program can help with slurred speech or stuttering as it provides you with the technique for learning to relax when you speak.

WORRY AND GUILT   cd    $24.95       $14.95

"Did I lose a letter from you?  Should I worry about that?"
Consciously you know your can’t change what has happened in the past, nor can you do anything about the future. Yet you continue to feel guilty about what you already did or didn’t do, or your are consumed about what the future holds, If this describes  you, you’re missing our on living here and now. Put joy back in your life with a  simple technique and learn to live in the present  free of worry and guilt

Part I $14.95

Part II  $14.95
Parts I & II  $29.90  $19.95
WARNING: Do not begin listening to this next program in the evening. You won’t go to sleep afterwards. Why? Because when you see how our early education and programming sets us up for Life Crisis, you’ll have so many ah ha’s and be so busy making notes that you’ll be too excited for sleep.

If your life seems to be falling apart around you and you feel you have lost control, if you’re wondering who your are, and your self worth is at an all time low, then you may be in the midst of a life or midlife crisis, Just as changing seasons require adaptation, so too do the changing periods of your life. Now you can move over the hurdles to a new-found identity and meaning to life. Part I on one cd is to educate the conscious brain. Part II on a second cd is the relaxation and hypnosis portion on the program.

BODY BUILDING/IMPROVEMENT   cd   $14.95  $9.95        

What four letter word do you use when you think of exercising? 
How about “MORE” which enables you to enjoy more exercise.
For the beginner or professional. If you want to feel more motivated to exercise and take better care of your body, then this program is for you. Also excellent if you want to excel in a particular type of exercise such as jogging, weight lifting, swimming, and so on. For the beginner who only desires to be motivated to exercise more, or the “pro” who wants to reach new heights, this tape will put you in touch with your body.

I LOVE ME   cd                  $14.95        $12.95

An ancient poet once said, “If you thou hast two pennies, spend one for bread. With the other, hyacinths for thy soul.”
  Been putting yourself down or finding fault with yourself? Corny as it may seem, it has been said that you cannot love another until you love yourself. A healthy mind and body stems from love of self, which in no way is egotistical. Quite the contrary? Be good to yourself. It’s the ultimate combination of body, mind and spirit.


Hypnosis Tapes

ENHANCE CREATIVITY  cd   $15.95   $12.95

Thinking outside the box…how to Teach Yourself and Others How to Find Innovative New Answers and Make Better Decisions.
Need a fresh approach? Creativity is the necessary ingredient behind all great ideas. Release your unlimited potential with guided imagery and watch your creative world open up.

IMPROVE SPORTS  cd              $24.95       $19.95

The 4 critical things you must do to make sure that you perform to your potential when under pressure!
This program is geared toward the professional or amateur athlete or the individual who just wants to excel in a particular athletic activity or sport. The techniques in this program may be applied to baseball, football, basketball golf, tennis, racing, boxing, and on. Remove the barriers to achieve your full  potential and be a winner.

MAKING DECISIONS    cassette             $14.95       $10.95  Not available at this time
Indecision is like driving down the middle of the road, it could get you killed. Do you agonize over every decision? This program will equip your with the “3T” method of making decisions NOW, sticking to them and profiting. Make your decision now and order this program today.

MEMORY AND CONCENTRATION  cassette    $14.95    $12.95 No available at this time
Find yourself forgetting things? Too many things to remember? Open up the lost dominions of your mind to excellent memory and recall.

IMPROVE STUDY HABITS  cd   $14.95       $12.95

Nag, nag, nag, they never let up about how much better your grades could be! But I’ve got great news… you can get excellent test scores with the Improve Study Habits program (you’ll know the subject so well that you could teach it). Experience your full learning capabilities. Eliminate cramming and freezing up during tests as you make learning the enjoyable experience it once was and can again be for you. Now you can acquire the skills that will change attitudes about learning.

SUPER LEARNING  cd     $14.95       $12.95

Discover in the next half hour how to improve your ability to learn beyond your wildest expectations with the... Individuals using this technique, boast acquiring semi-photographic memory skills and improving their learning capacity from 5-to-50 times. We all have the ability—the technique lets you capitalize on it!

OVERCOME DISAPPOINTMENT cd   $24.95       $12.95

Everyday disappointments get handled every day, but how about the biggies: dead-end jobs, divorce, bad financial decisions, children, and so on. Release yourself from the way you thought it should be  and open new pathways where limited vision once existed.

OVERCOME ANXIETY  Pt I & Pt II -- 2 hr dvd  $69.95  $59.95

If your skewed thoughts were objects, you’d have to install air bags to protect yourself from them. Panic and anxiety attacks are a disease of ignorance.

There are five things any program should have in order to be successful. To learn more click here.

AFFIRMATIONS  cd  $24.95   $19.95

The handwriting is on the wall—actually it’s up to you to have your life run by other’s tapes or use affirmations to write on YOUR wall.

For health, prosperity, thinness, creativity , well being...   This program provides affirmations for reprogramming your mind. Whether you want to enhance creativity, be more prosperous, self confident, improve your health, or even manage your weight, repeated beliefs about yourself work.

SELF HYPNOSIS cd only     $24.95        $19.95

Napoleon Hill, in his book, Success, claims that if you use auto-suggestion for six months that you can accomplish anything you desire. The renowned author observed this long before there was any proven and systematic program of self hypnosis. This program expands  on the method developed by the internationally famous hypnotist, Harry Arons, as it was perfected and is now used around the world.

ASTRAL JOURNEY    cd          $17.95        $12.95

Any further out there and you’d have to invent another word for "galaxy". Expand your conscious awareness beyond the normally acknowledged physical limitations. Listeners report experiences in astral projections, a sense of profound peacefulness and a feeling of being in harmony with the universe. Stimulating and relaxing, as well as informative and inspirational.

RIP VAN WINKLE cd 15 minutes) $19.95 $14.95 

Would you like your child to grow up being responsible, respectful, sensitive, healthy, creative, and with enhanced intelligence? Stupid question, right? This has to be one of the best children's programs ever created. For ages 4-to-10. Helps your child go to sleep, improve concentration, build confidence and improve learning ability. Instills a sense of responsibility, good behavior, and cooperativeness.


STOP SMOKING cd   $24.95       $19.95

You honestly tried to quit… But just couldn’t! Don’t worry. You’re not alone. How many times have you felt that you’d like to stop, but found that you just couldn’t? In just one sitting with this program, you can stop smoking once and for all—no gimmicks, games or gadgets—you just stop smoking and remain free of weight gain or withdrawal symptoms. More than 8,000 people have attended classes costing up to $65.00 to accomplish what you can in the privacy of your own home with the very same program.

LOSE WEIGHT cd program (complete collection of 4 cd's) plus the ebook for just $65.77 -- a $117.75 value


Subliminal Tapes

Jim was well accomplished and successful with a perfect home life. One Sunday in church, without warning his heart started pounding and he broke out in a drenching sweat. He had to leave church. Soon, he was having the problem in meetings at work and whenever he was called upon to give a talk.

Loire just married, was the happiest she’d ever been. Within a year she became deeply depressed. She had a history of cyclical depression which usually took three to six months to go through. She was worried about what her husband would think if he found out about her depressions.

Jane was watching TV and suddenly felt strange feelings. After her doctor ran tests, she was diagnosed as having free floating anxiety.

Ed went shopping with his wife. He began having strange feelings in the store. Every time he went into a store the feelings would return. Often he’d have to run out of the store. 

During fourteen years of private practice, I’ve successfully enabled all these clients and dozens like them to function normally again. In some cases, psychiatric treatment was used in conjunction with the techniques and suggestions used in these cassette programs. These cassette programs are an out-growth of working with hundreds of clients and are now available for you to gain new insights into attaining physical and emotional health. 

Handling Criticism  & Anger   cd $14.95 $9.95

Criticism is a game, learn to play the game and you'll find that toxic criticism flows off you like water off a duck’s back--a sure fire way to handle people who make your life miserable.  

Do you feel rejected or upset when someone is critical? Actually this is a game where they are out to prove you wrong and themselves right. Now you can turn the tables and play the game your way, instead of their way.

Handling the Effects of Anger cd $24.95   $19.95

How to Manage Conflict, Anger and Emotion Control. Yes, you can experience confidence and composure even in the most highly-charged situations. Anger Management. When anger is improperly handled or avoided, it can destroy relationships, cause headaches, stomach problems, insomnia, phobias, and even heart disease. And yet, anger can be a very healthy emotion which can be used to improve health and strengthen relationships. The program will enable you to handle anger properly and in a manner whereby you can benefit.

Can you feel good about yourself on a bad hair day or even when you get rejected? 
For most self worth is a very vague concept that’s often confused with self confidence. Yet a person with confidence may have little if any self-worth. This program is the road map to truly building self esteem. Click here for details  
Parts I, & II are the bible for building Self Worth and parts III & IV are the magic of keeping the self worth that you build everyday by becoming your own best friend and discovering means by which you can profit from disappointment. The complete program on two cd's for just  $39.90. 

self worth program cd's may be purchased individually, click here

Dating an Untreated BiPolar Personality $24.95  $19.95 
Getting to know a person suffering from untreated bipolar disorder can be too good to be true. Cd tells you how to
identify the personality and the consequences of commitment in the relationship whether it be romantic, business partner, or room mate. 

    $24.95  $19.95

  A remarkable invitation to enhance your life without having to leave your home. Little known secrets about the source of depression and how to get out of it.

Incredible results await you. Did you know that your personality has something to do with it? Take the link to learn more. 


TOTAL BODY RELAXATION cd  $14.95  $10.95

   WARNING: Do not listen to this program in your car, your car might go to sleep as well.

Coordination of breathing and muscular relaxation is the first step to managing any anxiety response. It’s suggested that this program be used daily in conjunction with any of the following programs.

OVERCOME FEAR (phobias)  cd $24.95       $18.95

Have a problem with crowed places? Feel smothered when the door closes? Afraid of flying, water, bridges, traveling, etc.? The techniques on this program have proven extremely  successful with our clients at the Biofeedback Center.

PAINLESS DENTISTRY cd --The Title is Not an Oxymoron   $19.95  $14.77     
Beat the Novocain hangover and you don't even have to be a good hypnotic subject to achieve it. 

OVERCOME FEAR OF DENTISTS  cassette $7.95     $6.95

Suggestions to instill confidence and promote healing.

MASTERY PUBLIC SPEAKING 2 cd's  only  $29.95

No more nervousness, no more fear, Learn the tricks the pros use to speak with ease to any size audience
Do you panic when you have to address a group? Do you become anxious hours and even days in advance? If public speaking is a real chore for you, you’ll want this program for your very own. As you feel yourself gaining confidence and becoming more relaxed, people will admire you and ask you  how you ever became so poised. No longer available on audio cassette.

OVERCOME SHYNESS on cdonly  $24.95       $19.95

Send your wall flower to be laundered because its going to get some action!
Are you the wall flower? Indeed shyness can be a serious hindrance socially and economically, or you can learn to use it to your advantage. This program treats it very seriously and through a desensitization technique, it guides you in freeing yourself from its clutches.


FINDING LOST ITEMS  cd     $14.95       $11.77

So you put something someplace where no one else could find it including yourself.
Lose something or perhaps hid something so well not even you can find it? Though you may not remember, our subconscious mind doesn’t forget. Yet, the harder you try to remember, the more anxious you become and the lost item stays lost. Eliminate the frustration with this program and if this is a common problem for you, this could be the best investment you’ll ever make.


Deliver your baby in record time!   (Pun Intended) Combining Lamaze and hypnosis for a smooth quick delivery


HAPPY BIRTHDAY (Age & Attitude) cassette         $7.95        $3.95

      Who says you’re over the hill?
Truly a unique birthday present for that age conscious friend or yourself. Designed to promote youthful thinking, which may actually cause one to appear and act younger. The technique for hypnotic rejuvenation enables one to look forward to that next birthday with an enlightened spirit, an energized body, and a brightened smile.

HYPNOSIS EXPLAINED  cd    $10.95     $7.95

Discover little known secrets—what makes hypnosis work.   Answers all your questions about hypnosis and provides a deep conditioning relaxation experience.


It happens so fast that if it were a physical thing, you’d need air bags.
Many believe in it—many don’t. In fact, some professional organizations define its practice as unethical. Nevertheless, it’s a technique. If you believe-great. If not—great. No benefits, promises, or claims made.

NATURAL BUST ENLARGEMENT cd    $15.95       $12.95

Now you can do more than dream about larger breasts. Tap the power of your subconscious and discover little known secrets to influence tissue growth in your breasts.  A controversial topic, can suggestion affect tissue growth? Some research says yes and this program is based on the initial research whereby breast size was increased as much as 2” in some women that participated in the study.


USING THE PENDULUM cd $19.95       $14.95

The complete program to get the most from your pendulum. How to use your pendulum with charts to get yes, no answers as well as dates, numbers, and words. Hypnotic conditioning  program enables you to get the most from your pendulum. Suggestions to connect with the infinite wisdom and knowledge to improve your intuitive powers.

PENDULUM    (quantity discounts available)            $8.95  

The Magic Mind Finder® discovers self truths One of the most versatile devices known for exploring self hypnosis, hypnosis, ESP, and so on through contact with the subconscious mind. Complete with instructions and chart in zip lock bag. So revealing that we call it the Magic Mind Finder®


Making Relationships Work cd $14.95 

How to get better results with every exchange at: How to Communicate with Confidence, Clarity, and Credibility is the benefit of the Making Relationships Work program. Are you the type of person who holds in your feelings, gets caught off guard and doesn’t know what to say, afraid to express yourself because you might hurt someone’s feelings, easily get sidetracked? If so, this program is a must for you. Learn to express yourself in a relaxed, confident, assertive way so everyone benefits and profits.

ECSTASY IN RELATIONSHIPS   cd   $14.95       $9.95
The Complete Guide to Having Ecstasy in Your Relationships.
How to Have More of What You Want in Your Relationships

How good are  you willing to have it? Dissolve the barriers that hold you back from achieving the ultimate joy in any relationship. It’s about really having your relationship be nothing short of ecstasy! Go for it!

ENJOY SEX MORE MALE cd rom   $19.95  $14.95   


Let go of your hang-ups and experience your full sexual potential each and every time. This program contains a series of exercises and hypnotic suggestions that will heighten your pleasure and increase your joy, not to mention the effect this will have on your lover.

ENJOY SEX MORE FEMALE  cd rom only  $19.95  $14.95  
Let go of your hang-ups and experience your full sexual potential each and every time. This program is on two cd's  and contains a series of exercises and hypnotic suggestions that will heighten your pleasure and increase your joy, not to mention the effect this will have on your lover. 

FALLING IN OR OUT OF LOVE  cd   $29.95       $19.95 

Notice: “It hurts to be in love” is only one of many hurting hypnotic suggestions making the loss of relationship feel like a bottomless pit. 
“Love makes the world go round” Poets write endless verses, praising the virtues (and heartaches) of love, while the whole world sings the songs of love. Love is everywhere. Love is everything. But sometimes it hurts. And sometimes it is not returned. Sometimes it can not be found. And sometimes it is lost. Now you can put a floor where there was a “bottomless pit” It is a must for anyone going through rejection or who questions the existence or capability of love in his/her life.

MEET THAT MAN  cassette    $14.95       $9.95   

Have you had difficulty meeting that special someone? Or do you have trouble making the right impression on your first date? Do you have problems becoming intimate? Discover where and how to meet that person for whom you’ve been searching and feel confident letting yourself open up to the other. 

MEET THAT WOMAN  cassette $14.95            Not available
Have you had difficulty meeting that special someone? Or do you have trouble making the right impression on your first date? Do you have problems becoming intimate? Discover where and how to meet that person for whom you’ve been searching and feel confident letting yourself open up to the other.

Key words:
motivational tapes
subliminal tapes
hypnosis tapes

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