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Finding it a problem to close? Here’s
a quick and proven method to improve your closing ratio with subconscious
SALES for Closing Sales
Sales Presentations
Made Easy and Natural with Subconscious Selling Hypnosis Sales Training
Sleep Tape--developed by the Stress Management
Subconscious Sales close out cassette
value $24.95
$9.95 Key words:
sales training,
closing sales,
sales presentations, sales skills,
improve closing skills, improve closing ratio, improve sales skills,
closing ratio, hypnosis sales, hypnotic sales

Sales Training for Closing Sales
Free Report
Subconscious Sales
Imagine this.
You're in one of your very important sales presentations. Normally about the time you'd
get half way through your presentation you'd begin to get anxious, but this
time you mentally step back, begin taking a few deep breadths and your composure
and confidence come through for you. Instead of feeling the pressure, you are
relaxed and responses to your prospects' questions flow easily to mind. Selling
is a natural thing as you intuitively know when to close. You leave with the
sale, have a good feeling of having contributed value to your customer and
experience a sense of accomplishment. A dream? Absolutely not! You can achieve
your unlimited sales potential with this one subconscious sales training hypnosis program. Just play it as
you go to sleep. Your subconscious records the suggestions as you relax and
drift asleep.
Whether you are selling a product or service, you are always
selling yourself. Free yourself from your limitations, reach your goals, gain
self confidence, and feel great at closing sales. It's the power of
hypnotic sales that empowers you to improve closing ratio.
Side 1 of this self help tape lays a foundation for the
suggestions with sales training and improves your sales presentations. It provides a
means of discovering your unconscious resistance that keep you from achieving
your potential in closing sales. And there's more. This is the one sales
training program that introduces you to your new best
Side 2 of this self help tape uses hypnosis to dissolve your resistance to achieving your
potential in closing sales, builds
confidence, turns "no's" into the excitement of meeting the next
prospect, and turns your self doubts into sales.
This self improvement tape utilizes far more sophisticated levels of cognition than any
other program on the market. Generally, you'd have to invest a hundred or more
dollars for a sales training program containing a half dozen or more cassettes to gain the
comparable value as this one cassette tape delivers. And that's a promise you
can count on. A bargain considering if you miss just one sale, you
could lose many times the investment in this one sales management skill program!
How you use it. Listen to side one of the sales training program two or three times per week. This portion of the program is for your
conscious mind. It lays a foundation for delivering effective sales presentations. It truly is
the sales training program for for which you were looking.
Listen to side #2 of the sales training tape every night as you go to sleep.
Caution: never listen to this side while driving a vehicle. This side is for
your subconscious mind. Subliminal suggestions are planted on this side which by
pass the critical thinking mind and go direct to your subconscious mind which is
why the sales training program is called subconscious sales. The subliminal
suggestions along with the hypnotic audible suggestions enhance subconscious
selling, the development of effective sales presentations for successfully
closing sales.
Money Back Guarantee: Use the program as directed for 30 days. Although one out of 20
people using the program will experience an immediate uplifting improvement
in closing sales, others begin the process. Suggestions are generally
likened to seeds. There's a germination period. If after using this self
improvement tape for 30 days you feel that you've received no benefit
whatsoever, simply return the program and receive a full refund. What do you have to lose except for low closing ratios? Order this subconscious
sales training program using hypnosis today. $24.95
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